Saturday, August 22, 2020

Why Spanish Uses EE. UU. as Abbreviation for U.S.

Why Spanish Uses EE. UU. as Abbreviation for U.S. When you discover that Estados Unidos is Spanish for United States, you may foresee that its shortening would be EU, similarly as we frequently use U.S. (or on the other hand USA) in English. Be that as it may, the standard contraction is EE. UU. The Rule for Plural Abbreviations In spite of the fact that the truncation may appear to be unordinary to Spanish understudies, contractions like it are basic in standard composed Spanish when shortening plural structures. In spite of the fact that the utilization of the periods in the truncation is standard use and thought about compulsory by certain specialists, it isnt irregular to see the contraction without the periods: EEUU or EE UU. At times the shortening EUA (for Estados Unidos de Amã ©rica) is utilized, and even USA can be found in vogue circles. Fundamentally, the multiplied letters (such shortenings are called abreviaturas dobles in Spanish) are utilized to show that the primary word truncated is plural. Be that as it may, such a multiplying of letters isnt if the plural word isnt the primary thing in the expression. For instance, Organizaciã ³n de las Naciones Unidas (United Nations) is ONU (U.N. in English.) The principle thing here, the one that gives the expression its sex, is solitary: organizaciã ³n. The multiplying of letters originates from Latin, which clarifies a portion of the twofold letter Latin shortened forms utilized in English additionally, for example, pp. for pages and mss. for original copies. Indistinguishable truncations are utilized in Spanish: pp. for pginas and mss. for manuscritos. (Additionally regularly utilized is pgs. for pginas.) Such multiplying is utilized regularly when a solitary letter represents a word. It isnt utilized for most different contractions. For instance, while ejemplo (model) can be truncated as ej., the plural structure (that is, for models) is ejs. So also, while usted (solitary you) is condensed Ud., its plural structure (plural you) is Uds. One of the special cases is that the condensing for Buenos Aires (the city in Argentina) is Bs. As. Other Doubled Abbreviations Here are a portion of the other Spanish contractions that twofold the letters similarly as EE. UU.: AA. PP. for Administraciã ³n Pã ºblica (open administration)aa. vv. or on the other hand AA. VV. for autores varios (different creators); VV. AA. also, vv. aa. are likewise usedAA. VV. for asociaciones de vecinos (neighborhood associations)CC. AA. for comunidades autã ³nomas (self-overseeing communities)CC. OO. for comisiones obreros (work commissions)DD. HH. for derechos people (human rights)FF. AA. for Fuerzas Armadas (military, utilized in Spanish and a few Latin American countries)FF. CC. for ferrocarriles (railroads or RR)FF. DD. for Fuerzas de Defensa (Defense Forces, utilized essentially in Panama)RR. HH. for Recursos Humanos (HR or HR)RR. PP. for Relaciones Pã ºblicas (advertising or PR)JJ. OO. for Juegos Olã ­mpicos (Olympic Games)RR for reverendos (Reverends, Revs.)ss. for por siguientes (as follows, the following)SS. AA. for Sus Altezas (Your Highnesses)SS. HH. for Servicios Higiã ©nicos (sterile offices, for example, restrooms)SS. MM. for Sus Majestades (Your Majest ies) Other Unusual Abbreviations Spanish additionally has a couple of normal contractions that utilization accentuation (other than the period) or superscripts in manners that English doesnt. The more typical ones are recorded beneath; much of the time, increasingly traditional structures are frequently utilized notwithstanding these. artoâ forâ artã ­culoâ (article in lawful documents)Bo for barrio (neighborhood)Cà ­a for compaà ±Ãƒ ­a (company)c/uâ forâ cada unoâ (apiece, per unit)com.à ³n for comisià ³n (commission)desct.o for descuento (discount)N.a S.a for Nuestra Seà ±ora (Our Lady, alluding to the Virgin Mary)s/fâ forâ sin fechaâ (no date given)s/lâ forâ sin lugarâ (no place given)s/nâ forâ sin nã ºmeroâ (no number given) Moreover, there are a few structures such as Abg.da and Dr.a that have been utilized to allude to a female legal counselor or specialist, separately, despite the fact that these are developing in disgrace. Key Takeaways The standard shortened form for Estados Unidos (United States) in Spanish is EE. UU., despite the fact that varieties are now and then used.The twofold letters are utilized in some different shortened forms too when a solitary letter guidelines for a plural of the principle noun.Some Spanish contractions use cuts and superscripts.

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